Legislators for Safer Communities

for Safer

Legislators for Safer Communities is an independent, nonpartisan coalition of state legislators across all 50 states committed to reducing gun violence. We recognize gun violence is a public health issue with complex roots in systemic inequalities. We acknowledge the disproportionate impact of gun violence on Black and Brown communities, and we are dedicated to implementing solutions that center on equity and justice. We serve as a hub for legislative resources, professional messaging, strategy, research, and peer networking. By collaborating across state lines and engaging with stakeholders from diverse backgrounds, we strive to create safer communities where every individual can thrive without fear of gun violence.

About the coalition

Our Leadership

Legislators for Safer Communities is led by Champions of gun safety and violence prevention in their states. Our leadership slate embodies a representative and geographically diverse group working tirelessly to pass common-sense gun safety laws in their communities.


Senate Majority Whip Tizzy Lockman, Delaware
Representative Christine Hunschofsky, Florida
Representative Bob Morgan, Illinois
Representative Keturah Herron, Kentucky
Assembly Majority Floor Leader Sandra Jauregui, Nevada
Representative Liz Berry, Washington

Steering Committee


Get in touch to learn more about the coalition.
